The Skin
Remember last week when my finger had a bad cut off the skin while it got stuck in the drawer? I forgotten to add in, that the next day, I actually looked into the drawer trying to find the skin. Wuahaha.. I was thinking, since the skin wasn't hanging from the finger, obviously it had dropped off somewhere and that somewhere could be no where else but the drawer!!! Initially I was fiddling with the metal piece trying to see if it got stuck there, (with Kim asking me what I was trying to do, and when I told her I was looking for the skin, she was like "EWWWWWW....."). Hahahaa. Anyway, I couldn't feel it under the metal piece which cut my finger. But not wanting to give up, as it kept telling me in my head that it must be somewhere there... in the drawer... and I FOUND IT!!! I found it, right in a box of where I kept the access card and it was just right on top of the bunch of cards!! All dried up. Wuahahhaa... LOL LOL LOL... Took a snap of it. The Skin.
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